Doubles run while roller skating
Two shredders who also cooks up a local zine of the skating community

Malcriada Media | Anny & Payasa

1. Name and pronoun?  Anny, she/her

2. Favourite song to skate to?

That’s tough! I change my playlist depending on my mood but some favorites are: 

 Build and Break- Tørsö

Supertouch/Shitfit- Bad Brains

Tha Shiznit- Snoop Dogg

3. How do you define beauty? 

Staying true to yourself. Striving to improve for the better in any aspect of life.

4. Biggest struggle for women and or non-binary?

The constant threat to our personal safety. Misogyny makes the world incredibly dangerous for us. Too many women experience violence in all forms and it’s heartbreaking. 

5. Why do you skate?

Skating saved my life. It feels good to move smoothly, accept the challenge of a trick, and have the ability to constantly push against my own fears and improve. 

6. What do you want people to be aware of?

Do you, and do what makes you happy. Don’t worry about the rest.

1. Name / pronoun? Payasa, she/her 

2. Favourite song to skate to?

love me for real by Rim kwaku obeng, KASA  

3. What empowers you?

Skating alone, I find a lot of joy in skating alone. There’s something about trying to focus and motivate myself when trying to learn new tricks. I get real shy when I’m in big groups, and when others hype me up. I am grateful for it, and do enjoy skating with others, but preferably alone. 

4. Biggest struggle for women and or non-binary?   Men. 

5. How has skating impacted your life?

It might sound silly, but it’s helped me become more aware of my body by trusting it to commit or bail safely. 

6. What do you want people to be aware of?

Set boundaries, and be self aware of all areas in life, and most importantly have fun. At the end of the day whatever wheel you’re on, everyone is just trying to have fun rolling around.

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