Andi Posing With Her Skates On In The Desert


Name? Andrea, but I go by Andi and I don’t mind any pronouns, but usually go by she/her

Favourite song to skate to?
Probably burn out by Johnny goth, that or anything by boa

Define beauty?
Although it might be cliche, I think beauty comes from within, people who are kind are so beautiful to me, and I think ultimately beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, I hate the black and white cookie cutter mild of what society, or more specifically the media, portrays as beautiful, I think most people would agree with me.

Biggest struggle for women/non-binary?
This ones a hard one, personally I think it’s not being taken seriously, our experiences as womxn and enbys are always called into question, and because of how society is built systemically, with womxn being seen as property for millennia and because of religion or just general ignorance consistently calling enby identities into question, I think just being heard is a constant struggle for womxn and enbys alike.

Why do you skate?
I started skating because of nostalgia, when I was in elementary school I used to love the skate nights my school would conduct. Skating just brings so many good feelings and memories to me.

What do you want people to be aware of?
I want people to be aware of how temporary life is, maybe that’s morbid, but moments are so fleeting and we often take the present for granted. Gratitude for everything is such a big thing and I know I need to work on it as well.

Define self-worth?
I define self worth as just general confidence, just taking pride in who you are and what you do and living unapologetically. I struggle a lot with my self worth, but I’m always trying to build myself up, like paying myself compliments even if I don’t feel like they’re true, doing my makeup and putting on an outfit that makes me feel good with no regards for what other people might think, I just try my best to conduct myself with pride, always.

What empowers you?
putting on an outfit I feel good in, doing my makeup, and going out to do something, anything really.


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