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Lexy & Caitey

1. Name?
Lexy Romero✨🍉

2. Favourite song to skate to?
Sunday’s best by Surfaces🌞

3. Weirdest thing about you?
I like to critically analyze the surfaces at a skate park before dropping in. 🙆🏻‍♀️📈

4. How do you define beauty?
Beauty is within all of us. What makes us beautiful is the way we treat others with respect and kindness. 👫💚👭💛👬

5. Biggest struggle for women?
The biggest struggle for a woman is that we have to work 10x harder than a make to receive recognition and praise.‼️

6. What do you want people to be aware of?
I want people to be aware that roller skating is for everyone. In skating, there is no room for judgement and negative criticism. We all are on different journeys. Some may take longer than others to achieve. The most valuable part is that you’re trying. All love, baby. All love 💖

1. My name is Caitey Smith 🧚🏻

2. My favorite song right now to skate to is Death of a Bachelor⚡️

3. The weirdest thing about me is it takes about 15 minutes to meditate in a way and prepare myself to go inside a skate park🧘‍♀️

4. Beauty to me means being your true genuine self. Those who know who they are and live it out🔥

5. Our biggest struggle as woman is we don’t have any god damn pants pockets👖

6. I want everyone out there to be aware, and know, that others opinions of them do not matter. Being genuine and true to yourself is all that will ever really matter at the end of the day 🌿✨🍄🦎🌼🐷🍒💨🧘‍♀️

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