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1. Name? Yasmeen or Yasmeena

2. Favourite song to skate to?
I can’t pick one favorite song but my favorite bands to listen to while skating are Trapped Under Ice, Drain, Turnstile. Basically anything punk/hardcore.

3. Define beauty?
Beauty is defined by how genuine and real a person is. Someone who isn’t afraid to let go and be themselves!

4. Biggest struggle for women and non binaries? 

I think the biggest struggle women/non binaries culturally is fighting against what’s deemed as a “gender norm”. Going against the traditional getting married, starting a family at a certain age, or being the bread winner in their household.
In general I feel like women struggle with empowering one another.

5. Why do you skate?
I skate not only because it boosts my serotonin levels but because it’s made me realize that I can pretty much overcome whatever life has to throw at me (physically and mentally) It’s helped a lot with my anxiety as well.

6. What do you want others to be aware of?
I want other people to know that not everyone’s skate OR life will be the same or comparable to one another. Everyone grows at their own pace and that’s okay!!!

7. What empowers you?
A cute outfit, fresh hair and makeup and hype vibes

8. What have you learned from the pandemic?
This pandemic helped me develop more patience with myself and others. I also learned how to not take life so seriously and to not sweat the little shit.

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