1. Name/pronouns?
MacKenzie – but you can call me MacK / she-they
2. Favourite song to skate to?
It really depends what type of skating I’m doing. If it’s dance skating then I really like Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. If it’s street skating or hill bombing then I need something really fast and powerful so maybe Babymetal or some new grl punk like Teenage Joans or AHHHH! By Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers
3. What empowers you?
Skating. Changing my hair color. Music. My friends. Time spent by myself doing whatever I want.
4. Biggest struggle for women and gender fluid?
I think there are a lot of struggles that come with not being a cis man hahahahaha. I think a big challenge I’ve experienced is getting people to truly believe your presentation of self. They can use the right pronouns and refer to you by the correct name, but does that mean they truly SEE you? Truly understand who you are? I think sometimes we have to trust that yes – they do. But also it’s definitely a worry I know many queer/gender fluid people face.
5. How has skating impacted your life?
It’s brought me so many wonderful people. I’ve loved them all. It’s It’s helped me gain so much confidence.
6. What do you want people to be aware of? Whichever life you choose to live is worth living because you’re a person and you’re alive and breathing. If your path looks different then that’s okay – just work towards your own happiness and the rest will follow.