Mia skating a large bowl
Mia cruising and crushing a bowl


1. Name? Mia Palau

2. Favourite song to skate to?

It depends on my mood, but I really like TV Eye by Iggy Pop or anything by Cobra Man.

3. How do you define beauty?

Skating is beauty. It makes me feel free and it allows folks to create and foster meaningful connections and community with others beyond any capitalist expectations. 

4. Biggest struggle for women and or non-binary?

I think skate parks have been traditionally very male-dominated spaces, and while the shift of inclusivity is palpably taking place and opening up those spaces to other identities, there’s still a lot of work to be done – femme, trans and afab folk do still get objectified and viewed as “less than” in many occasions. I just want us to be able to exist in those spaces without having to “prove ourselves”. If you skate and are not an asshole, you belong at the skatepark, period. 

5. Why do you skate?

It makes me feel happy and alive. 

6. What do you want people to be aware of?

I want people to be aware that everyone has their own journey in skating and that comparison is the killer of joy. Do your thing at your own pace, enjoy the process, don’t make assumptions of others, be kind, and above all have fun with it damn it!


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