Name? Storey Barrineau
What’s your favourite song to skate to?
right now it’s industry baby by lil nas x!
Define beauty? Joy
Biggest struggle for women and or non-binary? women and people who are perceived as women are unfortunately incredibly sexualized. Unwanted male attention is an issue at times- like no you can’t take a picture of me without my consent ! also I would say being perceived as a woman as a trans non binary person is always tough.
Why do you skate?
I skate because I’m bad at it! Or I used to be at least, I avoided every roller skate bday party my entire childhood. Skating for me is largely about proving to myself that I can learn something new.
What do you want people to be aware of?
roller skate culture wouldn’t exist without black people. You may have been introduced more recently via tiktok or other social media platforms, but jam and dance skating have always existed within black and brown communities! White roller skaters should always be aware of that, and skate with intention